Friday, October 16, 2015

Critique of "Bad Timing?"

A popular story here in Texas, fourteen year old Ahmed Mohamed, was convicted of making a "fake bomb" which was actually a clock. Well according to Fox news, Ahmed had made meeting with an aleged war criminal named Omar al-Bashir. Despite this evidence his invite to the White House has not been recanted, and research into his questionable visits have not been administered. Fox News does do a good job of citing previous evidence such as tweets from president Obama extending this invitation. Despite this evidence that continue to lack exstensive coverage of the boy’s trip to Sudan.Although they do provide a tweet of Ahmed where the boy states, “I am coming home, tell the world I am coming home #Sudan” which in my opinion tags a radical connotation to the boys attitude and who he is meeting in Sudan, his father’s home country. I think this article loses a little bit of credibility without further statements from Obama, or attempts to procure such information from the president in the least. This being said, I must admit it is awfully accusatory to say such slanderous things without substantial evidence to support this, but the boy’s visit to our Nations capital, and obvious terroist target, should in the very least be questioned after meeting with an arguable Islamic terrorist and internationally wanted war criminal.

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