Saturday, October 31, 2015

The legalization of marijuana has come a long way in the past 78 years of cannabis prohibition. In fact, back in 1969 only 12% of Americans supported the legalization of marijuana, whereas today the majority of the population seems to for legalization. ("The next 11 States to   Legalize Marijuana." ) Although I stand as an advocate for marijuana both on the medical and recreational side. Despite this, I do not agree with the full legalization of marijuana. I propose that the best solution to this arbitrary prohibition of a natural growing product would be to decriminalize marijuana.  
Marijuana should be regulated on the market similar to that of alcohol, however I think the age to procure marijuana legally should be 18, rather than 21. Seeing how marijuana has multitudes of health benefits; and no known harmful effects, it shouldn’t be demonized as a schedule 1 drug. I agree that drivers shouldn’t be inebriated, nor should young children be indulging in recreational marijuana, however the punishment does not fit the crime.
Similar to gay marriage, just on a much slower scale, I believe marijuana legalization will be integrated into American society gradually. However, decriminalizing the product with be a much more swift and cleanly executed amendment to the current federal prohibition of marijuana.

Frohlich, Sam Stebbins Thomas C., and Michael B. Sauter, 24/7 Wall St. "The next 11 States to

                         Legalize Marijuana." USA Today. Gannett, 19 Aug. 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.

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